When paying invoices or reimbursements in a non-home currency, you may encounter a situation where a difference arises due to the exchange rate varying between the invoice date and the payment date.
Let's examine the following example:
A company with a EUR home currency is paying a 10,000 USD invoice from a foreign vendor.
Invoice date: Oct 01, 2024; EUR/USD rate: 1.1069
Payment date: Nov 01, 2024; EUR/USD rate: 1.0885
This scenario requires recording an expense of 9,034.25 EUR in October and a payment of 9,186.95 EUR in November for the same invoice.
The difference of 152.70 EUR should be recorded as a realised loss.
Now we shall see how to reflect this difference in Exact Online.
The recommended way to deal with a difference
once you get purchase and bank records exported from Moss, you navigate to
Purchase -> Outstanding items -> Overview
then you open the relevant records (for example by navigating to the outstanding items on a particular supplier, as in the screenshot below)
and start matching purchase and bank records by clicking the "Match" button
then you select entries to be matched and click "Match" button again
In the new window that appears, confirm that you want to write off the difference. In the subsequent window, specify the difference type (in our case, it's "Exchange rate difference"), select the GL account to attribute the difference to, and provide a brief description.
then you click the "Match" button once more and Exact Online records a difference. You may check that everything is done correctly by opening a particular entry, in our case the exact difference of 152.70EUR is reflected on the account 43505
Alternative approach
Exact Online may also help you to facilitate this situation by setting thresholds for matching transactions:
In this case, setting a boundary of 153 EUR would allow Exact to automatically match the payment to the expense. However, this threshold is impractically high. Any bank transaction below this limit would be written off immediately—for instance, a 5.60 EUR coffee from Starbucks would be automatically written off.