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Exact Online | Troubleshooting export errors
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a month ago

Accounting platform cannot process requests right now

Reason: To safeguard its infrastructure, Exact Online only allows partners like Moss to perform a maximum number of calls per minute per connected customer.

Solution: To be able to export your transactions to Exact Online, please make sure to select and export a maximum of 20 transactions at once. Repeat the operation until having exported all the desired transactions.

You can't use a VAT code of type 'Sales'

Reason: This error takes place when trying to export transactions with a VAT rate of type 'Sales' selected. Because purchase entries should not be created using VAT rates of type 'Sales', Exact Online returns an error.

Solution: Assign a VAT rate type 'Purchase' to your transaction or invoice and export once again. To prevent this issue from happening again in the future, in Moss, go to Accounting > VAT rates and delete all sales VAT rates.

403 Forbidden during POST

Reason: This error occurs when the user that established the connection between Moss and Exact Online doesn’t have the required permissions to create purchase entries, bank entries or documents in Exact Online.

In the error message you can often see which of the above-mentioned actions the user is not allowed to perform. For example, in the error shown in the screenshot below, you can see that it states ExactBankEntryRequest, which indicates that the action refers to creating Bank entries.

Solution: The user should request its Exact Online administrator to get permissions to:

  • Enter, modify and delete bank entries;

  • Enter, modify and delete general journal entries;

  • Enter, modify and delete purchase entries.

Period closed

Reason: This error takes place when the financial period indicated in the error message has been closed. As a result, entries affecting this period can no longer be created, edited or modified. For reference, an accounting period is an established range of time during which accounting functions are performed, aggregated, and analyzed. Commonly, companies follow monthly accounting periods.

Solution: To resolve this issue, you should reopen the financial period in Exact Online. To do so, click on your company name (on the top-left corner of the screen) > Master data > Financial > Period-date table > Click on the hyperlink of the financial year in which you want to reopen periods > Select periods that are closed and click Reopen.

If, for any reasons, the period could not be reopened, you can (1) manually create those transactions in Exact Online while using more recent dates or (2) export the transactions using a CSV format and modify the transactions in the file to more recent dates.

Mandatory Due date and Payment condition

Reason: When exporting transactions and invoices to Exact Online, Moss does not send Payment Condition to Exact Online. Instead, it relies on the default payment condition of the supplier involved in the transactions to determine the payment condition that applies to the purchase entry.

Solution: In Exact Online, Go to Accounts > Suppliers > Overview > Select supplier involved > Edit > Scroll all the way down > Make sure that the Creditor Payment condition is filled with the 30 days payment condition code (30).

Not allowed: Currency

Reason: The purchase journal to which you are trying to export your transactions is not set-up correctly. As a result, entries in foreign currencies cannot be created.

Solution: To allow for the creation of purchase entries in foreign currencies in Exact Online, click on your company name (on the top-left corner of the screen) > Master data > Journals > open the Moss purchase journal and make sure that Variable: Currency is enabled.

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