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How to connect Moss and Xero
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Connecting Moss and Xero helps you to save time with easy exports. Export posting records with receipts attached to Xero with one click. Card transactions are expired as paid bills, and the payment does not need to be matched manually on Xero.

Furthermore, API exports from Moss to Xero help you to maintain quality and avoid errors that can occur with manual bookings.

Check before you connect

  1. Check permissions: Make sure you have the required permissions and user roles in Moss and Xero to connect the API (Admin or Accountant in Moss, minimum Standard user with “Reports” permission in Xero).

  2. Authentication for Xero: If you enabled 2 factor authentication for Xero and Moss, make sure you have the authenticator at hand (mobile phone, password manager…)

  3. Choose the correct entity: If you manage more than one entity in Moss or Xero, make sure you are logged in to the correct entity and connected with the correct client / entity in Xero.

Features available after connecting Moss and Xero

  • Posting records with receipt exported: Transactions and invoices from Moss are exported as bills with documents attached in Xero.

  • Payment booking for card transactions: For card transactions we export bills as “Paid”. The payment does not need to be matched manually.

  • Top-up or direct debit to Moss: Top-up or direct debit is also exported from Moss and balances the Moss Debit or Moss Credit Account.

Next steps:

How-to connect Moss and Xero

1. Click on “Accounting” and open “Accounting Integration”.

2. Select “Xero” from the list of accounting softwares and click “Continue”.

3. Click on “Connect to Xero”.

4. If you are not yet logged in to Xero, you are asked to log in with your email address and password. Click “Log in”.

5. If you manage more than one client or entity, choose the correct entity from the list.

6. Click “Allow access” on the bottom of the page.

How accounts in Moss map to Xero accounts

Use the following chart to compare naming practices between Moss and Xero.

Moss Name


Chart of Accounts

Chart of Accounts



VAT Rates

Tax Rates

Cost Center

Tracking Category (Region)

Cost Carrier

Tracking Category (Department)

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