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Map default accounting attributes
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over 11 months ago

What are default accounting attributes

Default accounting attributes allow administrators to assign predefined expense accounts, VAT rates, cost centers, cost carriers, and teams to specific suppliers. By establishing these defaults, users can automate the allocation of accounting attributes when submitting invoices from those suppliers. This streamlines the process, reducing the need for manual selection and ensuring consistency in accounting practices.

Default accounting attributes for suppliers

Default accounting attributes serve to simplify and expedite the expense submission process for users who frequently engage with specific suppliers. Instead of manually selecting accounting attributes for each invoice, the predefined defaults automatically populate the relevant fields, saving time and effort.

Assign default accounting attributes to a supplier

To assign default accounting attributes to a supplier, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to "Settings" > "Accounting" > "Supplier"

  2. Select the desired supplier.

  3. Click on the 'Accounting' tab.

  4. Set the default expense account, VAT rate, cost center, cost carrier, and team as needed.

Modify pre-filled accounting attributes on an invoice

Requesters have the flexibility to edit pre-filled accounting attributes on an invoice request if needed. While the defaults set by the admin automatically populate the fields, users retain the ability to make adjustments, such as selecting a different cost center, to accommodate specific requirements or preferences.

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