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A major upgrade to approval rules is coming
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Exciting upgrades are on the way! Your approval rules builder is about to get a major upgrade. More flexibility, better visibility, and all tailored to your needs.

What to look forward to

  • Enhanced Flexibility: Create multi-step approval workflows, accommodating even complex scenarios and exceptions within a single, cohesive system.

  • Improved Visibility: Gain full transparency into every stage of your approval process, with audit trails that make it easy to track and understand every decision made.

  • Tailored Control: Customise every aspect of your approval rules, from specific approvers and approval steps to granular conditions, ensuring your policy aligns perfectly with your business needs.

Rest assured, we're keeping what works while making improvements. You can still:

  • Set up approvals for different types of spending, just like before.

  • Choose who approves what, and in what order.

  • Use amount limits to decide who needs to sign off.

What you need to know:

  • Sneak Peek: Your current setup has been imported into our new builder. You can explore the new interface and see how it feels.

  • Smooth Transition: Your original rules are still here. Take your time to explore and get comfortable with the changes. When we eventually make the switch your existing rules will come along for the ride.

  • Your Input Matters: This is your opportunity to shape the future of the approval rule builder.

Available for preview now:

  • Explore the new rule builder interface.

  • Enjoy a better user experience with the same level of flexibility.

  • View all your rules and exceptions in one place.

Coming soon:

  • Use the new rule builder for live approval routing.

  • New condition types (expense account, cost centre, supplier, etc.).

  • And more features based on your feedback.

We can't wait for you to try out the improved builder. Your thoughts and experiences will help us make this tool even better. Keep an eye out for more news as we get closer to making this upgrade permanent!

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