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Export foreign currency transactions (FX fees) to DATEV
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over 6 months ago

How are transactions in foreign currencies handled after the export via DATEV and how is the conversion displayed when posting in DATEV?

Moss always exports credit card transactions in foreign currencies (not EUR) in the original currency and the conversion rate to DATEV.

The conversion rate used in the export is identical to the one used by Moss, so that the amount in euro posted in DATEV corresponds exactly to the amount in euro on the credit card invoice from Moss.

If Moss charges foreign currency fees, i.e. the fees for conversion / FX fees, these can be exported as a separate entry line

  1. If FX fees are exported to DATEV as a separate line, the conversion rate in the accounting record corresponds to the conversion excluding the fee

  2. If FX fees are not exported to DATEV as a separate line, the rate in the entry corresponds to the conversion rate taking into account / including the foreign currency fee.

Foreign currency transactions in Moss:

Foreign currency transactions after the export to DATEV Unternehmen Online:

The amount is displayed in the foreign currency, in this case USD:

โŒ In Unternehmen Online there is no field for the conversion. The conversion rate from Moss is not displayed in the form.

โŒ The converted amount in euro is also not displayed in Unternehmen Online.

However, the complete accounting record exported from Moss, including the conversion, can be viewed in Unternehmen Online on the second page, the log generated by DATEV or the invoice receipt list (the amount in euro is not shown there either).

Foreign currency transactions when posting in DATEV Rechnungswesen:

When importing the entry into the entry batch in DATEV Rechnungswesen, the conversion rate from Moss is transferred to the column "Conversion rate". The amount is posted in the original currency (in this case USD).

In the image you can see the posted revenue in USD, the conversion rate from Moss and the amount calculated by DATEV in EUR.

You can find card transactions from Moss in entry line 4. The lines in USD correspond to the amount on the receipt or the posted expense.

The lines in EUR correspond to the exchange rate charged by Moss.
One line posts the expense (to the supplier) and the second line posts the payment (Moss account to supplier).

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