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AFAS | CSV Setup & export
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 years ago

1. Setting up AFAS

To make sure that your Moss transactions can always be exported to AFAS, even when the transaction supplier does not exist yet in AFAS, we will need to create a so-called Moss Default Supplier. In addition, we will need to create a Moss Bank journal to keep track of all changes in your bank position, from top-ups, to payments and refunds, as well as a Moss Balance GL Account. Finally, we will create a Moss Purchase journal, to record all purchases made with your Moss cards.

1.1 New Purchase journal

To start, we will have to create a new purchase journal. To do so, go to Financieel > Grootboek > Dagboek > Nieuw. Once the new journal opens, provide a journal code (for example, INK2), give it a description, select Type = Purchase (2) and make sure to define the journal settings as shown in the screenshot below.

1.2 New Balance GL Account

Open the left navigation panel Financieel > Grootboek > Grootboekrekening > New. Then, provide the desired code, name and description and make sure to select account type "Activa". Skip all the way to the end of the creation flow without changing any values and save the balance account.

1.3 Moss Bank Journal

To create a new bank journal, go to Financieel > Grootboek > Dagboek > Nieuw Type the code for the new journal (for example, BNK2), give it a description, select type financial journal (3) and make sure to define the journal setting as shown in the screenshot below.

1.4 Moss Default Supplier

In some cases, your Moss transactions won’t have a corresponding supplier in AFAS. For this reason, we will need to create a Moss default supplier to make sure that your transactions can always be booked in AFAS.

To create a new supplier for Moss, open the left navigation panel > Financieel > Crediteur > Nieuw > fill the supplier details as shown in the screenshot below and click Next.

Skip the 2nd screen leaving the default values. In the 3rd screen of the supplier creation flow, select your creditors account and define a payment condition as shown below.

When creating Moss supplier, please make sure to tick "Is creditor" checkbox, otherwise the error "Het rekening nummer is niet geldig" will appear when exporting from Moss.

2. Accounting set-up in Moss

2.1 General set-up

Once we have created the required accounting resources in AFAS, we can start the accounting set-up in the Moss platform.

Log in to your Moss account, go to Accounting > General setup and use the codes of the Balance Account and Supplier Account created earlier in AFAS to populate these fields and leave Cash in Transit empty.

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2.2 Importing accounting attributes

Once you have completed the general setup, we will have to import your AFAS accounting attributes into Moss, meaning Expense Accounts (Grootboekrekeningen), Suppliers (Leverancies), VAT Rates (BTW), Cost Centers (Kostenplaatsen).

All resources can easily be downloaded from AFAS. We recommend exporting them in Excel format, formatting them to the format required by Moss, saving the file in CSV format and importing it into Moss.

For example, for Expense accounts, go to Financieel > Grootboek > Grootboekrekening > Green arrow > Gegevens exporteren naar Excel and click Export all. Then, in Moss, go to Expense Accounts > click "Add / Import Subcategory" and download the CSV template required to import Expense accounts into Moss.

Then, go back to the Moss platform > Accounting > Expense Accounts, click Add / Import Subcategory and upload your CSV file containing your AFAS GL accounts.

Repeat the operation with Suppliers (Leverancies), Cost Centers (Kostenplaatsen), Cost Carriers (Kostendragers). Finally, you will need to manually create your VAT rates into Moss making sure to use the same codes as in AFAS.

3. Creating export formats in Moss

Your Moss transactions can be exported to AFAS’s Purchase and Bank journals by means of CSV files. For ease of use, we have created two predefined export formats that you can easily add to your Moss account.

What is an export format? An export format, also known as export template, allows us to structure and format the data stored in Moss to meet the requirements of the accounting system, in this case AFAS, going from column order, to column and decimal separators, amounts formats, etc.

As mentioned above, the transactions created in Moss need to be exported to both the Purchase and Bank journals in AFAS. Since they have different import requirements, two different export formats will have to be created: AFAS Purchase and AFAS Bank.

3.1 Purchase format

To create a new export format in Moss, you will need to go to Accounting > Export Formats and click Create export format, which will open the Format Preferences.

Once you have named the export format, open the Base template drop-down, select AFAS CSV - Purchase. Before continuing, please make sure to open the Amount format drop-down and select Negative amounts, instead of the default Negate amounts setting.

When landing in the Columns page, you will see that the mapping is already predefined. This mapping is intended to meet the requirements of the average AFAS set-up. The only field that you will need to modify is "Code dagboek", replacing "Customer-specific - To be defined", by the actual code of your purchase journal.

3.2 Bank format

After creating the Purchase export format, you will have to follow the very same flow to create a bank format: click Create export format, which will open the Format Preferences. Once you have named the export format, open the Base template drop-down, select AFAS CSV - Bank, click Continue. In the Columns page, make sure to replace "Customer-specific - To be defined", by the actual code of the bank journal earlier created in AFAS.

4. Preparing and exporting your transactions

4.1 Preparing your transactions

You will find all unexported transactions under Cards > Export > Unexported. Here, you can make sure to assign all relevant accounting attributes to your transactions.

To more easily identify what information is needed for each transaction, you can filter on receipts missing, expense accounts missing, among others.

When your transactions contain all of the necessary information, you can mark them as ready to be exported by clicking "Move to export queue". This action will move your transactions to the "Export Queue" tab. From here on, only users with admin or an accountant permissions will be able to modify the transactions.

4.2 . Exporting your transactions

Once you have created the required export format, you are ready to start exporting your transactions. To do so, you will have to go to Cards > Export > Export Queue, Then, select the transactions to be exported and finally Click the green "Export" button.

Make sure to select the AFAS Purchase export format in the File format drop-down and click Download to generate the CSV file to be imported in the purchase journal.

Then, select AFAS Bank in the File Format drop-down, make sure to check the Mark transactions as Exported checkbox and click download once more.

5. Importing your transactions into AFAS

5.1 Purchase transactions

Important to know before you start. Always import the purchase file first and the banking statements second. This way your invoices will be automatically matched to the corresponding payments.

To import you transactions, open the Financieel > Beheer > Import grootboek > Financiële mutaties, Because it is the first time that we are importing Moss purchase transactions into AFAS, we will need to select "Import via nieuw aan te maken definitie". In future imports, we can reuse the import definition by selecting "Import via bestaande definitie en/of wijzigin bestaande definitie".

In the next page, make sure to define the import properties as shown below and click Next:

Then, upload the file containing the purchase transactions that you just downloaded from Moss, make sure to set the file properties as shown in the image below and move to the next page.

Now it’s time to map the columns in your CSV file (bottom table) to the corresponding values in AFAS (upper table). To do so, drag and drop the columns in the bottom table to the rows in the upper table. For example, you should map Veld "Code dagboek" to Waarde "Code dagboek".

If you are not familiar with this process, please watch the following video from AFAS explaining how this can be done.

Skip all the way to the Import settings (Import algemene gegevens) page, name the import format (to be able to reuse it in future imports), make sure to have all settings checked and click Next.

If the import was successful, you will get a small window stating that the import was successful.

Else, the message will state that the import failed due to errors. If so, open the error report and make sure to adjust your file.

5.2 Bank transactions

Just like we did before, open the Financieel > Beheer > Import grootboek > Financiële mutaties, Because it is the first time that we are importing Moss purchase transactions into AFAS, we will need to select "Import via nieuw aan te maken definitie".

In the next page, make sure to define the import properties as shown below, making sure to define Afhandeling rekeningen = 3 and click "Next":

Then, upload the file containing the purchase transactions that you just downloaded from Moss, make sure to set the file properties as shown in the image below and move to the next page.

Now it’s time to map the columns in your CSV file (bottom table) to the corresponding values in AFAS (upper table). To do so, drag and drop the columns in the bottom table to the rows in the upper table. For example, you should map Veld "Factuurnummer" to Waarde "Factuurnummer".

If you are not familiar with this process, please watch the following video from AFAS explaining how this can be done.

Skip all the way to the Import settings (Import algemene gegevens) page, name the import format (to be able to reuse it in future imports), make sure to have all settings checked and click Next.

If the import was successful, you will get a small window stating that the import was successful.

6. Matching purchase and bank transactions

Matching purchase and bank transactions will go automatically if the invoice numbers are the same.

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