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AFAS - Setup Checklist
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a month ago

Follow these steps to prepare your Moss Accounting Integration with AFAS


  • Export complete posting records for card transactions, invoices and out of pocket expenses from Moss into your preferred purchase journal in Exact Online

  • Receipts attached in Moss are exported to Exact Online

Required Permission

  • Permission to create App Connectors in AFAS

  • Permission to create

    • Purchase Journal

    • Bank Journal

    • Balance Account

    • Supplier Account

    • Cash-in-Transit Account

Let's start!

Setup Checklist

Create App Connectors in AFAS

  • Enable required "GetConnectors"

    • DDI Administraties (Profit)

    • Profit_Accounts

    • Profit_Allocation_Assignments

    • Profit_Creditor

    • Profit_Jounals

    • Profit_VAT_code

  • Enable required "UpdateConnectors"

    • Dossier connector

    • Financiëlle mutatie connector

    • Make sure the line KnPurchaseRelationOrg is in the connector

  • Create a User Token and save it

    • You will need the authentication token to connect Moss with AFAS. We recommend to store the token safe in a password manager

Create booking journals and accounts in AFAS

  • Create a Purchase Journal: Used to record all purchases made with your Moss cards.

  • Create a Bank Journal: Used to record all transactions, from top-ups, to payments and refunds.

  • Create a Moss Balance Account: Ledger used to keep track of your Moss balance

  • Create a Moss Default Supplier: to book all card transactions on it. You can use separate supplier accounts for each merchant alternatively. In that case you would not need a default supplier account for Moss card transactions

Connect Moss with AFAS

  • Make sure your AFAS enviornment has feature number 127, as this is used by Moss to export. Learn more about the feature values in this guide.

  • Follow the steps to connect AFAS under "Accounting" > "Accounting integration" and press "Connect to Accounting System".

  • Have your login credentials at hand:

    • AFAS Entity ID (you can find the ID on the top of your AFAS window)

    • Authenitcation token (as it has been generated and saved in a previous step)

  • Enter your Moss Balance Account, Cash-in-Transit Account, Moss Bank Journal, Moss Purchase Journal and Default Supplier Account (if applicable)

General Accounting Setup in Moss

  • During the setup flow for AFAS you are asked to

    • Enter your Moss Balance Account, Cash-in-Transit Account, Moss Bank Journal, Moss Purchase Journal and Default Supplier Account (if applicable)

    • Sync and manage accounting attributes (Expense Accounts, Suppliers, VAT rates, cost centers and cost carriers).

AFAS integration setup is completed!

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