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How-to create new supplier accounts in Moss
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a week ago

New suppliers cannot be created in Xero. Xero automatically creates a supplier once a bill is booked on one contact. This can happen manually in Xero, or through an export from Moss. In that case, suppliers have to be created in Moss first, used for an invoice or transaction and exported to Xero. The supplier will then be added to the list in Xero.

To create a new supplier in Moss, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on “Invoices” in the main menu on the left. (You can also create new Supplier Accounts under the section “Reimburse”).

  2. Click on the desired invoice and a menu on the right side will open up.

  3. Scroll down to “Accounting Attributes” and click in the box right next to “Supplier”.

  4. Click on “Add Supplier” to fill in the supplier name manually. Type in the supplier name (not number) in both fields “Supplier Name” and “Supplier Account”. Fill in all further desired information such as IBAN or BIC.

  5. After all information is filled in, click the button “Add/ Import Supplier”. Now the new Supplier is registered and ready for the Export to XERO. In the next export, the supplier will be automatically added.

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