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How to assign cost centers to a Team in Moss (XERO)
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a month ago

The cost center contains the expenses of the company that don't generate profit but are needed to support the operations that do add to the cost of doing business.


  • Expense segmentation into tracking categories allows for greater control and analysis of total costs.

  • Linking cost centers to teams mirrors the standard use case of cost centers and saves time as all spend will automatically be assigned to the cost center of the spender


  • Map Moss dimensions to Xero tracking categories

  • Assign cost centers to teams for accounting automation

How to: Assign Cost Center to Team

  1. Click on the “People & Teams” tab in the feature overview. You are in the “People” window.

  2. Click on the “Teams” tab in the top menu tab. This will navigate you to the “Teams” window.

  3. Next, two options are made available.

Option 1:

  1. Click on the “Create Team” button.

  2. Enter all of the Team details in the right menu section. It will also allow you to assign a Cost Center to the newly created Team.

  3. Click on the button “Create Team” to create the Team with the newly assigned Cost Center to save the settings.

Option 2:

  1. Click on a specific team where you want to change/add the Cost Center.

  2. Click on the button “Team Settings”.

  3. In the Cost Center Tab assign a Cost Center to the team.

  4. Click on the button “Save” to save the new settings of the team.

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