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3. Set up Exact Globe for the integration with Moss
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a month ago

Setup Exact Globe to use with Moss

In this section, we explain how you can set up Exact Globe in order to use the API with your Moss account to successfully connect Exact Globe with Moss.

Booking logic for card transactions: In order to fully automate booking of card transactions (invoice and payment booking with one export), set up a Moss Balance Account and define your primary business account for moss top-ups or direct debits.

Network configuration

  1. Make Exact globe server available for the connection from Moss (check Moss details with your account manager)

    1. Open port used by Exact Globe (8020 by default) to Moss

    2. Open port 443 to Moss

  2. Assign DNS to the ip address used by Exact Globe server

  3. Open NTLM authentication port

    1. By default it’s port 445

  4. Make sure that the Exact Entity service is downloaded on your device, if not then it needs to installed.

    1. Go to windows and write Service then check selected option in the picture:

Adding Moss connection as a workstation (ONLY if you see MacAddress2 error)

1. In Exact Globe navigate to "System" > "HR and Security" > "Workstation"

2. Add new workstation

Create a Moss Default Supplier

Note: This is only relevant if you want to book all Moss card transactions on one Supplier instead of using suppliers for each merchant.

1. To create a new supplier, navigate to "Finance" > "Accounts Payables" > "Maintain"

2. And create a new “Creditor

3. Name Creditor a “Moss Default Supplier

4. Click “Save

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