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4. How to connect Moss and Exact Globe
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Written by Support
Updated over 7 months ago

Check before you connect

  1. Here's a list of values to be provided in order to connect to Exact Globe:

    Some parameters can be obtained directly from Exact Globe and some to be provided by the IT team, below are the details on how to get the required values.

  2. Moss requires an Exact Globe Application user with admin rights to Moss. It is recommended, though not mandatory, to create an additional user to be used by the integration in the Exact Application.

  3. DB Name and Server name can be retrieved from Exact Globe page with the Company view:

    1. DB Name is "Company" in Exact (001 in the example below)

    2. Server Name is "Server" in Exact (EXACT-GLOBE in the example below)

  4. Network details should be available after the network configuration is completed (more details in section "3. Set up Exact Globe for the integration with Moss")

    1. Server Address (address of the Exact Globe server), this should be a DNS (not IP) of the server where Exact Globe is running.

    2. Port (8020 by default).

    What data will be imported from Exact Globe to Moss

Attribute in Moss

Attribute in Exact Globe

Location in Exact Globe

Chart of Accounts

General Ledgers

Finance → General Ledger → Chart of G/L’s



Finance → Accounts payable → Cards

VAT codes


Finance -> VAT/Statistics -> VAT overview

Cost Centers

Cost Centers

Finance → General Ledger → Cost Centers

Cost Carriers

Cost Units

Finance → General Ledger → Cost Units

Connecting Moss and Exact Globe

  1. Click on "Settings" > “Accounting” > open the “Accounting Integration” tab > click on the "Connect to Accounting system" button.

  2. Select "Exact Globe" > "Continue"

  3. Enter necessary details (Username, Password, DB Name, Server Name, Server Address, Port). Please refer to the “Check before you connect” section above for details

  4. Connected Successfully. Now you can sync your accounts from Exact Globe

  5. Enter Bank Journal id

  6. Enter Purchase Journal id

    • If you want to use the Memorial journal instead of the Purchase journal, you can change it at a later stage

  7. Define Default Moss Supplier or enable supplier accounting for card transactions to book transactions on respective vendor accounts

  8. Select “VAT Exempt” if your business is exempted from VAT

  9. Make sure you connected the correct entity and all Journals are set correctly
    Here you can switch between Purchase and Memorial journals by

    1. Toggling “Exporting to memorial Journal” option

    2. Entering Memorial journal code

  10. Continue to set up the Chart of Accounts, Vendors, VAT codes, Cost Centers and Cost Carriers. All Accounts should be synchronized from Exact Globe already:

  11. Check connected Suppliers

  12. Check VAT rates (Tax Codes) synced from Exact Globe. You can set VAT codes inactive, which are not needed on the Moss platform (next step)

  13. Click three dots, hover over “Status” and select “Inactive” to mark VAT codes inactive. These codes will not appear as options for pre-accounting for cards, invoices and reimbursements.

  14. Check Cost Centers

  15. And Cost Carriers

16. The Exact Globe connection and integration setup are now completed

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