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How to close a purchase request
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a month ago

After successfully matching a purchase request with an invoice, and confirming that no additional invoices are anticipated for that particular purchase, the purchase request can be transitioned to a "Closed" status.

Once a purchase request is closed, it becomes ineligible for matching with any new invoices. In addition, existing connections between the closed purchase request and its associated invoice(s) cannot be removed. Finally, it's critical to note that closing a purchase request is a permanent action and cannot be undone.

Close a purchase request

  1. Log in to Moss.

  2. Click on “Purchase requests” in the feature overview.

  3. Select the purchase request that you wish to close.

  4. Click on “Close request” in the purchase request sidebar.

You can close a purchase request, once it has been approved. The invoice does not have to be attached, the request can be closed without.

This can be done, if e.g. the request is not valid anymore or there is no need to go through with the previously planned purchase.

Approving invoices of purchase requests can happen regardless of if the purchase request has been closed or not.

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