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Twinfield | Booking Top Ups in Cash in Transit
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a month ago

To book Moss deposits to your Twinfield Cash in Transit account, you will first of all need to import a Moss deposit into Twinfield.

Once a deposit has been imported, we will have to create a bank allocation rule. To do so, go to Cash & Banks > Bank statements and click on the magic wand icon🪄to open your Moss deposit.

Then, on the 'Line Information' section, click on the description checkmark, define the 1st and 2nd criterion as shown in the screenshot below and click 'Ok' to save the condition.

After setting the condition for the description field, on the right hand side of the screen, select 'General ledger' as account type, define your Cash in Transit ledger in the 'General ledger account' field, as shown in the screenshot below, and click 'Save'.

Once the bank allocation rule is set, all incoming Moss deposits will be booked on the Cash in Transit general ledger:

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