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How to export incoming invoices to Xero
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a month ago

Moss exports complete posting records with attached documents as “Bills” in Xero. The bills can be paid through Xero, or accountants can book the payment for each bill.

Note: Purchase invoices are always exported as “Awaiting Payment” in Xero, no matter what the listed payment status in Moss. Moss does not export the payment booking for purchase invoices.

In order to identify paid and unpaid invoices, accountants must check the payment status in Moss and then either book the payment or pay the invoice accordingly.



  • Export purchase invoices with posting records to Xero

  • Invoices can be paid either through Moss (using SEPA files) or from Xero


  • Save time: Purchase invoices with posting records are pushed to Xero with one click. They can be paid through Xero or Moss.

  • Quality: The export via API reduces errors from manual booking of invoices. This increases the quality of invoice bookings in Xero

  • Efficient: Preparatory accounting can be automated in Moss for all recurring expenses. Our intuitive design allows even non-accountants to do pre-accounting in Moss.

How-to export incoming invoices to XERO

  1. To export transactions, click on "Export" in the function overview and open the "Invoices" tab.

  2. We made quick filters/summaries available on the top section to facilitate selection of invoices "Ready for Export"

  3. Select all invoices and click on "Export".

  4. We always export incoming invoices with the status "Not paid". Either the payment status and payment is managed directly in Moss, in which case the status can be ignored in Xero. Or the status must be managed manually in Xero, or invoices must be paid directly from Xero. Note: In any case payment bookings have to be done manually in Xero.

  5. Click “Business” and open “Bills to Pay”.

  6. Click on “Awaiting Payment” to find the list of bills without payment booking. Purchase invoices exported from Moss can be found here.

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