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Exports to NetSuite
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In this article you can learn how to export your payments to NetSuite.

Here are the exports that are being covered in this article:


Configure Reimbursement Export Options:

When exporting your reimbursements from Moss to Netsuite, you can decide to receive them as :

  • Option 1: Vendor Bills

  • Option 2: Expense Reports

You can toggle between the two settings in the Accounting Integration setup page under "Settings" > "Accounting" > "Accounting Integration", at the bottom.

Should you choose to export as expense reports, please make sure to sync your suppliers and chart of accounts, to import your expense categories as expense accounts in Moss and your employees as suppliers in Moss.

You will need this information when filling out the pre-accounting details for a reimbursement.

Here are the two options:

Click on them and read a detailed description on how to export.

Export Reimbursement as Vendor Bill

How-to export reimbursements from Moss

1. To export reimbursements, click on "Export" in the sidebar navigation, then click on "Reimbursement" in the top bar.

2. After that you can select multiple transactions.

Note: If there are more than 50 transactions in the filter, you will have to select all transactions again in the bar at the bottom.

3. Once you have selected the reimbursements to export, click on “Export items” and then on “Export” in the side panel.

How-to find exports in Netsuite

1. In NetSuite open up “Transactions” > “Payables” > “Edit Bills” > “List

2. View Reimbursements exported from Moss in the list. You can filter by recently created bills to see the latest exports. Reimbursements are exported with status “Open” if they were not paid from your Moss Wallet balance. They are exported with status “Paid in Full” if paid from the Moss Wallet balance.

3. You can view the bill and see the booking details, navigate to accounts and view the attached receipt under "History" > "Files".

4. View GL Impact under “Action” > “GL Impact”

5. View the GL Impact. A Moss reimbursement transaction credits the Accounts Payable account and debits the expense or spend account.

If paid from your Moss Wallet Balance (Pay with Moss)

The Bill Payment can be found under “Related Transactions”. It opens when pressing the date.

Export Reimbursement sent as Expense Report

1. Enable Expense Reports for reimbursement exports in "Settings" > "Accounting" > "Accounting Integration" tab

2. Sync suppliers to import employees as a supplier and and sync chart of accounts to import categories.

Note: Reimbursements now need an employee selected as supplier, and a category as the expense account.

How-to export reimbursements from Moss

1. To export reimbursements, click on "Export" in the sidebar navigation, then click on "Reimbursement" in the top bar.

2. After that you can select multiple transactions.

Note: If there are more than 50 transactions in the filter, you will have to select all transactions again in the bar at the bottom.

3. Once you have selected the reimbursements to export, click on “Export items” and then on “Export” in the side panel.

How-to find exports in Netsuite

1. In NetSuite open “Transactions” > “Employees” > “Enter Expense Reports” > “List”.

Moss reimbursements are exported with status “Approved by Accounting”.

2. You can view the details of the expenses

3. And the receipts under "Communication" > "Files"

If paid from your Moss Wallet Balance (Pay with Moss)

Moss will also create a Bill Payment and link it to the Expense Report.


Exporting incoming invoices to NetSuite

Moss exports complete posting records with attached documents as “Bills” in NetSuite. Bills can be paid through NetSuite, or accountants can book the payment for each bill.

How-to: Exporting incoming invoices to NetSuite

  1. To export transactions, click on "Export" in the function overview and open the "Invoices" tab.

  2. We made quick filters/summaries available on the top section to facilitate selection of invoices "Ready for Export"

  3. Select all invoices and click on "Export".

  4. In NetSuite, open “Transactions” > “Payables” > “Edit Bills” > “List”

  5. View Transactions exported from Moss in list. You can filter by recently created bills to see the latest exports. Card transactions are exported with status “Paid In Full”.

  6. You can open the bill and see the booking details, navigate to accounts and view the attached receipt file (under “Communication”).

  7. View the GL Impact. A Moss card transaction credits the Account's Payable account and debits the expense or spend account.

Card transactions

  • Complete postings for bills and payment: Moss exports each card transaction as two booking entries: bill and payment.

  • Accounts payable cleared after Export: Transactions show up as paid invoices in NetSuite.

    Note: Please check the setup of General Moss Accounts and "Booking Logic" for more Information

  • Default Vendor for Card transactions

  • Moss Balance Account for Payment booking

  • Link to bank account for top-up (Moss Debit) / direct debit export (Moss Credit)

How-to export card transactions from Moss

To export transactions, click on "Export" in the side bar navigation, then click on "Card Transactions" in the top bar.

After that you can select multiple transactions. Note that if there are more than 50 transactions in the filter, you will have to select all transactions again in the bar at the bottom.

How-to in Netsuite

  1. Click on NetSuite API and then click on “Export” in the side panel.

  2. In NetSuite open “Transactions” > “Payables” > “Edit Bills” > “List”

  3. View Transactions exported from Moss in list. You can filter by recently created bills to see the latest exports. Card transactions are exported with status “Paid In Full”.

  4. You can open the bill and see the booking details, navigate to accounts and view the attached receipt file (under “Communication”).

  5. View GL Impact under “Action” > “GL Impact”

  6. View the GL Impact. A Moss card transaction credits the Account's Payable account and debits the expense or spend account.

  7. The Bill Payment can be found under “Related Transactions”. It opens when pressing the date.

  8. The Bill Payment balances the vendor account and uses the Moss Balance Account to pay the bill.

  9. Open GL Impact of Bill Payment under “Action” > “GL-Impact”

  10. View the GL Impact of Bill Payments. The Moss Balance Account gets credited, the Accounts Payable gets debited.

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