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Setup NetSuite to use with Moss
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Written by Support
Updated over 5 months ago

In this article we will explain how to successfully connect Moss with NetSuite.

Things to consider before you start:

  • You will need access to Moss as admin or internal or external accountant.

  • We recommend that the setup of the Moss integration with NetSuite is done by a user who has the “Administrator” role in Netsuite.

    • Users with other roles might also have sufficient permissions to set up the integration. This depends on the specific setup in your NetSuite environment. You can check if you are logged in with an “Administrator” role in your current session when you hover over your name on the top right. There you can see the user roles assigned to you and the role you use for the current session. If you don’t have the “Administrator” role, you can find a user with that role under “Setup” > “Users” > “User Management”.

Follow the steps below or watch this video:

Prepare the required permissions NetSuite

If not yet enabled, Moss requires SOAP Web Services Application and Token Based Authentication features enabled in your NetSuite environment in order to allow setup and use of the integration.

  1. Open up NetSuite and click on "Setup" > "Company" > "Enable Features" and open up the "SuiteCloud" tab.

  2. Make sure you have enabled these permissions:

    1. Soap Web Services

    2. Token-based authentication

    You will have to agree to the terms and conditions that apply for each feature in a separate window that opens when activating the check-box.

  3. Click on "Save" on top of the page

Install the Moss application

  1. Go to "SuiteApps" search for "Moss"

  2. Install the application "Moss for NetSuite"

Moss SuiteApp will create all necessary artefacts:

  • Integration (Moss Integration)

  • Role (Moss Role)

  • Custom forms:

    • Moss Vendor Bill

    • Moss Vendor Credit

    • Moss Bill Payment

    • Moss Deposit

    • Moss Expense Report

Prepare the connection setup

To successfully connect your Moss account to NetSuite you need to make sure a few things are set up correctly, to ensure that the connection will work smoothly.

Give a user the "Moss role"

Now you need to adjust the user that will be connected from NetSuite to Moss. The connection to Moss relies on this user being active in NetSuite. For this, you can create a stable integration user to ensure that the connection does not get deactivated. Roles can be assigned to users in the user settings. Roles can be managed under the sub tab “Access”.

  1. Open up NetSuite

  2. Go to "Setup" > "User/Roles" > "Manage Users"

  3. Select the relevant user

  4. Click on "Access" > "Edit"

  5. Add "Moss role" to this user in the "Roles" section at the bottom

  6. Save the changes

Create a new Access Token

A user specific access token is the preferred way to authorise our integration. It is required when you use workflows in NetSuite that apply to Vendor Bill entries that are mandatory to mark Vendor Bills as “Approved”.

We already created a Moss Integration User Role in the previous step and need to create an access token specifically with this role now.

Make sure the Moss Integration User Role is assigned to the user that creates the token or the user who creates the token has the permission to create access tokens on behalf of other users.

Make sure you don't close the window after the last step because there are crucial information displayed which you will need.

  1. Open "Setup" > "User/Roles" > "Access Tokens" > "New"

  2. Click on "New Access Token"

  3. Select "Moss Integration" for the application name

  4. For the User, select the user who you have previously given the "Moss role"

  5. For the Role field, select "Moss role"

  6. Give the token a name and save it

  7. Once you saved the access token the "Token ID" and "Token Secret" will be displayed on your screen. Copy the "Token ID" and the "Token Secret" store them safely.

Check Workflows for Vendor Bills

In case you apply workflows for Vendor Bills, you will need to follow the instructions in the guide that will help to integrate Moss in a way that we bypass those workflows. This is needed because Moss can only post card transactions and invoices paid from Moss correctly when the integration is able to create Vendor Bills with the status “Approved”. You might need support from a NetSuite consultant or admin to adjust workflows accordingly. You may also contact our support team for help.

Create a Moss Balance Account

In order to book payments for Moss credit card transactions, you have to create a Moss Balance Account in NetSuite:

  1. In order to create a new account as “Moss Balance Account” go to “Lists” > “Accounting” > “Accounts” > “New”

  2. Name the account “Moss Balance Account”

  3. Define an account number for the Moss Balance Account following the chart of accounts structure of your organisation. Please ask your accountant if you are unsure which account number is available for this.

  4. Select the Account type. For Moss Wallet customers, it makes sense to create an account of type “Bank”. For Moss Credit customers, it makes sense to use an account of type “Credit Card” as Moss Balance Account. Please ask your accountant if you are unsure which account number is available for this.

  5. Select the currency for the Moss Balance Account (use the currency of your Moss Account)

  6. Press “Save” to create the Moss Balance Account

Create a Moss Default Vendor

Note: This is only relevant if you want to book all Moss card transactions on one Vendor instead of using vendors for each merchant.

  1. To create a new vendor as Moss Default Supplier for card transactions, go to “Lists” > “Relationships” > “Vendors” and press “New”

  2. Name the supplier “Moss Default Vendor”

  3. Select the respective subsidiary (if applicable)

  4. Select “Purchase” as Vendor Category

  5. Press “Save” to create the “Moss Default Vendor”.

Connect Moss to NetSuite

  1. Open up Moss

  2. Go to "Settings" > "Accounting" and click on "Connect to Accounting System"

  3. Select the NetSuite integration

  4. Copy the Account ID for your NetSuite Account from the Browser URL when you are logged in to NetSuite

  5. Enter the "Token ID" and "Token Secret" which we created during the previous step

  6. Click on "Connect to NetSuite"

  7. Select the entity you want to connect to

  8. Moss is now connected to your NetSuite account and you can sync your accounts from NetSuite.

  9. Select the entity which you want to connect (if applicable)

  10. Select the Moss Balance Account

  11. Select the Cash-in-Transit Account which is used to top up the Moss balance (If you want to export an entry “Primary business account to Moss Balance Account” you can select the preferred bank account here.)

  12. Define Default Moss Vendor or enable supplier accounting for card transactions to book transactions on respective vendor accounts. The Chart of Accounts has been synced from NetSuite.

  13. Select “VAT Exempt” if your business is exempted from VAT.

  14. Select the Cost Center and Cost Carrier Dimension you want to use with Moss

    Supported Cost Dimensions:

    • Departments

    • Classes

    • Locations

    • Custom Segments

    Each of these categories may be used as a Cost Center or as a Cost Carrier.

  15. Make sure you connected the correct entity and all Moss default accounts and dimensions are set correctly

  16. Continue to set up the Chart of Accounts, Vendors, VAT codes, Cost Centers and Cost Carriers. All Accounts should be synchronised from NetSuite already.

  17. Check connected Vendor accounts under “Suppliers”

  18. Check VAT rates (Tax Codes) synced from NetSuite. You can set VAT codes inactive, which are not needed on the Moss platform (next step)

  19. Click three dots, hover over “Status” and select “Inactive” to mark VAT codes inactive. These codes will not appear as options for pre-accounting for cards, invoices and reimbursements.

  20. Check the accounts that have been synced as Cost Center dimension on Moss from NetSuite

  21. Check the accounts that have been synced as cost carrier dimension on Moss from NetSuite and finish setup

  22. NetSuite connection and integration setup are now completed

How accounts in Moss map to NetSuite accounts

Chart of account naming practices between Moss and NetSuite:

Terms in Moss

Terms in NetSuite

Chart of Accounts

Chart of Accounts (all accounts are synced)



VAT Rates

Tax Rates

Cost Center

Departments, Classes, Locations, Custom Segments

Cost Carrier

Departments, Classes, Locations, Custom Segments

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