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ExactOnline: Export posting records and receipts / invoices from Moss
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a month ago


General Information

  • Once you have connected Moss to ExactOnline and completed the setup, you are almost ready to start exporting your transactions and invoices to ExactOnline.

  • Once the API between Moss and ExactOnline is set up, credit card transactions, incoming invoices and expense reimbursements can be exported to ExactOnline via the interface as complete posting records with receipt documents attached.

  • The steps for exporting differ somewhat according to the type of expense. Therefore, there are separate descriptions for the export of

    • Card transactions

    • Incoming invoices

    • Expense reimbursements (Dutch: Declaraties)

Learning Objectives

  • Step-by-Step understanding export flow from Moss

  • Understand postings exported from Moss

Exporting card transactions from Moss

General information

  • Through the API you can export complete posting records (purchase booking and payment booking) for card transactions from Moss. The receipt will be exported attached to the purchase booking.


  • Export of transactions via the interface to ExactOnline


  • Save Time: Complete bookings of card transactions with receipts attached exported to the accounting software with one click

How to: Exporting card transactions from Moss

  1. To export transactions click on "Cards" in the function overview. (Dutch: "Kaarten")

  2. Then click on "Export"

  3. Under the tab "Needs review" all completed transactions are displayed (only reserved/pending payments do not appear in this overview). (Dutch: "Herziening nodig") Here, transactions can be pre-assigned and receipts can be attached. If the transaction is ready for export, you can mark it and move it to the export queue. (Dutch: "Export wachtrij") To do this, you can either use the filter function to display and separately select, for example, receipts from a specific posting period or only receipts with a receipt.

  4. To do this, click on "Filter" and set the desired filters.

  5. After that you can select under "Select all".

  6. Note: that if more than 30 transactions are displayed in the filter, you will have to select all transactions again in the bar at the bottom. Then click on "Move to export queue". (Dutch: "Verplaats naar export wachtrij").

    The transactions are now displayed in the "Export Queue". (Dutch: "Export wachtrij") Here the transactions are locked for users. Only administrators, internal and external accountants can still edit transactions here.

  7. In the next step, the receipts to be exported are selected again. Note: Only one accounting period can be exported at a time. So set a filter, for example from 01.09. to 30.09. of the corresponding year.

  8. Now select all transactions again and click on "Export".

  9. The export may take a few minutes. You can continue with your work in the meantime and don't have to wait until the export is complete. There is also an option to be notified by email when the export is complete. To receive an e-mail notification when the export is completed, you should scroll down the "Export" menu and press the button "Notify me by e-mail when the export is completed".

    During the export we show a loading icon. Once the export is complete, it will show whether the transactions were exported successfully.

    When the export is completed, it is displayed how many files were exported successfully and how many files could not be exported or could not be exported completely due to an error or missing attribute.

Exporting incoming invoices to ExactOnline

General information

  • From Moss, complete accounting records with document images can be exported directly to the invoice receipt at ExactOnline. From there, the booking records with document images can be made available for accounting.

Note: Unfortunately, the status of whether an invoice has already been paid cannot be transferred to ExactOnline . If invoices are to be paid directly from ExactOnline, we recommend exporting paid and unpaid invoices separately with a certain interval. This way, the files can be distinguished later.


  • Invoices are exported to ExactOnline as complete accounting records with document image.

  • Invoices can be paid either from Moss via a SEPA file or directly from ExactOnline after export.


  • Time-saving: Invoice documents with complete posting records are available with one click in ExactOnline and can be provided from there as posting proposals.

  • Quality-assuring: Errors in manual posting can be avoided by exporting and automatically importing the postings.

  • Efficient: preparatory accounting can be completed even by someone with no accounting experience and posting proposals can be exported to ExactOnline with one click

How to: Exporting incoming invoices to ExactOnline

  1. To export transactions, click on "Invoices" in the function overview. (Dutch: "Facturen")

  2. Click on "Ready for export" tab. (Dutch: "Klaar voor export")

  3. Under Filter, invoices can be filtered under the different categories. These categories include: Amount, Subcategory, Vendor, Cost Center (Team), Cost Object, Due Date, Date Invoiced, Submitted By and Payment Status.

    Filter invoices by the desired accounting period (months can only be exported separately) and by the other relevant criteria (for example, only paid invoices).

  4. Select all invoices.

  5. Click on "Export".

  6. Select Exact Export on the right side.

  7. Click at the Button β€œExport to Exact”.

  8. Now the invoice is transferred to ExactOnline.

Export expenses to ExactOnline

General Information

  • Expense reimbursements for company expenses can be exported from Moss to ExactOnline via the interface. (Dutch: Declaraties)

  • We export expenses like invoices as "incoming invoices" to ExactOnline .

  • These can then be provided as posting proposals.


  • Time-saving: Export posting records with receipts for expenses to ExactOnline with one click. (Dutch: Declaraties)

  • Quality-assuring: Exporting via the interface avoids errors due to manual posting


  • Link user and Supplier: In Moss, user and vendor accounts can be linked so that expenses are correctly allocated for accounting purposes.


How-to: Export expenses to ExactOnline

  1. Click on "Reimbursements" in the feature overview. Then click on "My expenses" in the drop down menu that opened up and then on "All expenses" (Dutch: "Declaraties")

  2. Click on "Export" at the top of the tab.

  3. Click on a specific expense you want to export or select all expenses you want to export.

  4. Click on the "Export" button to export the expense.

  5. You can either download the delivery or export it directly to ExactOnline.

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