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Accounting with Moss and ExactOnline
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a week ago

General Information

  • In this course we will explain what is required to connect Moss to ExactOnline, how to set up ExactOnline and Moss to use the interface and how to export data from Moss to ExactOnline.

  • You will also get more information about ExactOnline to better connect your accounting with Moss.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the basic accounting functions of Moss.

  • Understand how to integrate Moss with ExactOnline

  • Learn how to connect Moss and ExactOnline via API

  • Learn how to export data from Moss to ExactOnline

Setting up ExactOnline and Moss Booking Logic

General Information

  • In this section, you will learn how to set up ExactOnline so that Moss can be connected to ExactOnline and exported from Moss using our API


  • Universal: ExactOnline offers companies the ability to connect third-party systems to their accounting

  • Quality-assuring: All data are exported to posting records from Moss without manual data entry in ExactOnline

    • This avoids errors from manual editing

  • Flexible: This also allows non-accountants to do preparatory accounting in Moss in a user-friendly interface and use Moss’ accounting automation and then export complete posting records


  • Usage: Users can do preparatory accounting in Moss for credit card transactions and purchase invoices and then push posting records with documents attached to the accounting software

How-To: Create Bank Journal

  1. Click on the Company Name

  2. Click on Master Data. A window will open, then select “Master data" (Dutch: Stamgegevens”)

  3. Click on Bank Accounts, a window will open and then select “Master data"

    (Dutch: Stamgegevens”)

  4. Click on "New". To create a new bank account and, by extension, a bank journal, you will need to click “New” (Dutch:Nieuw”)

  5. Type in Information. Since it is just a fictional bank account, you will have to enter a fictitious account number. We recommend “Moss Balance Account” as the description. Note: We suggest using 123456789 as account number (Dutch: Omschrijving - Moss Bank")

  6. Click on "Save". After saving, a “bank journal” with the same name will automatically be created linked to this bank account. (Dutch:Dagboek”)

  7. To edit or delete the Bank Account click on “Edit” or “Delete” (Dutch: Bewerken / Verwijderen”)

  8. After clicking “close”, the new account will appear in the Account List. (Dutch:Bankrekeningen”)

How-To: Create Purchase Journal

Note: Creating a dedicated Moss Purchase Journal is not necessary. If you want to keep all receipts in one place, you can use your existing default purchase journal instead. If you want to track Moss exports in a separate journal, please follow these steps.

  1. Click on the Company Name

  2. Click on Master Data, a window will open, then select “Master data” (Dutch: “Stamgegevens”)

  3. In the new open Tap search for “Financial” and then click on “Journals” below (Dutch: “Financieel / Dagboeken”)

  4. To create a new Purchase Journal, you will need to click “New” (Dutch: “Nieuw")

  5. Since it is just a dummy bank account, you will have to enter a fictitious account number, then select a suitable G/L account

  6. Click save to safe the new purchase journal

  7. After clicking “close” the new account will appear in the Account List

How-To: Create Moss Default Supplier

Note: A Default Supplier Account is only required when you want to book all Moss card transactions on a single supplier. If you enable Supplier Accounting for Card transactions, this step is not required

  1. Click on the Company Name

  2. A window will open, then select “Master data” (Dutch: “Stamgegevens”)

  3. In the new open Tap search for “Accounts” and then click on “Suppliers" (Dutch: “Relaties” / “Leveranciers”)

  4. To create a new “Supplier Account”, you will need to click “New” (Dutch: "Leverancier”)

  5. From there, you create a new supplier; we recommend to name the account: Moss Transactions. Update the payment terms for the credit side to 30 days. (Dutch: "Moss Transacties”)

  6. Set “Payment condition” to 30 days

  7. Click save to safe the new supplier account

  8. After clicking “close” the new account will appear in the Account List

How-To: Create Moss Top-Up Supplier

  1. Click on the Company Name

  2. A window will open, then select “Master data” (Dutch: "Stamgegevens")

  3. In the new open Tap search for “Accounts” and then click on “Suppliers” (Dutch: "Relaties/Leverancier")

  4. To create a new Supplier Account, you will need to click “New”

  5. Note: Moss uses this top-up supplier to book all top-ups of your Moss account. This allows you to keep track of all top-ups and to differentiate purchases from top-ups.

  6. Set “Payment condition” to 30 days

  7. Click save to save the new Top-up supplier account

  8. After clicking “close” the new account will appear in the Account List

Connecting Moss and ExactOnline and check master data

General Information

  • Permissions: In order to connect ExactOnline to Moss, the user needs access to Moss (as administrator or accountant) AND access to ExactOnline with the permission to edit, modify and delete bank entries, general journal entries and purchase entries


  • Save time: The connection allows you to export complete posting records to ExactOnline with only one click and to automate your credit card bookings.

  • Quality assurance: Avoid errors from manual accounting by using our API exports.


  • Export posting records with receipt attachments: All posting records will have the receipt attached as it is in Moss

  • Export bank entry for card transactions: For card transactions we don’t only export the purchase entry but also export the bank entry to automatically balance the bank account for Moss card transactions

How-to: Connecting Moss and ExactOnline

  1. Click on "Accounting" in the function overview on the left. (Dutch: "Boekhouding")

  2. Now select "Accounting integration". (Dutch: "Boekhoudkundige integratie")

  3. Click on “Connect to Accounting System” to start the set up with ExactOnline. (Dutch: "verbinding maken met boekhoudsysteem")

  4. Then select "ExactOnline" in the menu.

  5. Click on "Continue" on the right side.

  6. Click on “Connect to ExactOnline” to get to the Log-In.

  7. Here you will be prompted to log in with your ExactOnline credentials. Type in the “Gebruikersnaam” and click “Volgende” and type in the “Wachtwoord” and click “Volgende” again.

  8. Please select the correct entity (if applicable) and confirm terms and conditions (both check-boxes have to be checked)

  9. After you have selected the correct entity, you will be redirected to the ExactOnline interface again. Here you give Moss access to transfer information to the ExactOnline account of this entity. Note: Steps are slightly different if you manage more than one entity in your ExactOnline account.

  10. Next up is to sync all relevant master data to Moss. Click at the right top on the sync button.

  11. Now you can follow the steps on the left side and check all relevant master data such as Chart of Accounts, Suppliers, VAT Rates, Cost Centers and Cost Carriers are imported. Once all the relevant data is synced successfully, small tickers will appear next to the buttons. Finally you can click “Installatie voltooien”.

  12. Click on the Account Integration tab to fill in all relevant master data in the open fields.

  13. Note: Only applies if you manage more than one entity in ExactOnline: Select a “Connected Entity” to make sure the correct ExactOnline Entity is connected to your Moss Account.

  14. In the first line you must fill the default Supplier Account. You can search for accounts from Exact Online (i.e. Moss Supplier). (Dutch: "Moss Transacties")

  15. Next, you must fill in a Top Up Supplier Account (i.e. Moss Top Up Supplier) (Dutch: "Moss Overboekingen")

  16. Next, you must fill in the Bank Journal code you created for Moss (i.e. 209).

  17. Lastly, you must fill in the Purchase Journal code you like to use for Moss. (i.e. 333) Could be your default purchase journal should you not have chosen to create a new one.

  18. Next step is implementing Expense Accounts. They should already be synced with ExactOnline. If this is not the case or new accounts have been added in the meantime, sync expense accounts again.

  19. To Sync & Check the Chart of Accounts, click on “Go to Chart of Accounts” at the bottom of the page.

  20. To Sync all the relevant accounts from ExactOnline into Moss click on “Sync now” in the right upper corner. If the accounts are already synced, go to the next step.

  21. To Sync in the following step the Suppliers, Click on “Go to Suppliers” at the bottom of the page.

  22. To Sync all the relevant Suppliers from ExactOnline into Moss click on “Sync now” in the right upper corner. If the accounts are already synced, go to the next step.

  23. To Sync all the relevant VAT codes from ExactOnline into Moss click on “Sync now” in the right upper corner. If the VAT rates are already synced, go to the next step.

  24. To Sync all the relevant data from ExactOnline into Moss click on “Sync now” in the right upper corner.

  25. To Sync all the Cost Centers from ExactOnline into Moss click on “Sync now” in the right upper corner. If the accounts are already synced, go to the next step.

  26. To Sync all the relevant data from ExactOnline into Moss click on “Sync now” in the right upper corner.

  27. To Sync all the relevant Cost Carriers from ExactOnline into Moss click on “Sync now” in the right upper corner. If the accounts are already synced, go to the next step.

  28. To Sync all the relevant data from ExactOnline into Moss click on “Sync now” in the right upper corner.

  29. Click on “Finish Setup”

  30. Once the Setup was successful you see a message of Successful Setup.

  31. Once you've followed all of the above steps, your ExactOnline interface is ready to go and ready to export all accounting-related data from Moss in seconds.

  32. Once the connection has been successfully established, the master data from ExactOnline will be displayed as follows. Please check now if the master data is displayed correctly.

Moss General Setup

General Information

  • In order to use the API from Moss to ExactOnline, some general settings in the Moss account are required.

  • The general accounts in Moss allow purchase and payment bookings for every card transaction exported from Moss. Supplier accounts (or the default supplier) are cleared with every export using our booking automation.

  • At the same time, we also export the Moss top-up (debit product) or direct debit (credit product). This balances the Moss balance account with the company’s primary bank account.


  • Quality assurance: Avoid errors by manually posting credit card statements

  • Posting automation: through the Moss posting automation, the accounting of credit card transactions is automatically balanced after each posting period.

  • Time saving: Purchase and payment postings are automated for card transactions and the bank booking is automated.


Moss accounting logic for card transactions:

  • Moss creates a purchase entry in ExactOnline: We push a G/L Account, the VAT code, Cost Center, Cost Carrier, the amount and the invoice date to the Purchase Journal that has been created for Moss

  • We fill the invoice number as entered in Moss to the “Your ref” field in ExactOnline

  • For transactions Moss creates a bank entry (payment entry) at the same time for the transaction. This entry is posted to the Bank Journey, clearing the supplier from the purchase booking

How-to: Importing your accounting attributes

  1. Open and Log-In.

  2. Click on the left side Menu on the “Accounting” Tab. (Dutch: "Boekhouding")

  3. To Sync Expense Accounts from Exact online, open the Expense Account section and click on “Sync now”. If the import is successful, you will see that your Exact Online accounting dimensions have been imported into Moss.

  4. To Sync Expense Accounts from Exact online, open the Expense Account section and click on “Sync now”. If the import is successful, you will see that your Exact Online accounting dimensions have been imported into Moss.

  5. To Sync Expense Accounts from Exact online, open the Expense Account section and click on “Sync now”. If the import is successful, you will see that your Exact Online accounting dimensions have been imported into Moss.

  6. To Sync Cost Centers from Exact online, open the Cost Center section and click on “Sync now”. If the import is successful, you will see that your Exact Online accounting dimensions have been imported into Moss. If for some reason there are accounts you don’t want visible in Moss, you can choose to inactivate them in Moss.

  7. To Sync Cost Carriers from Exact online, open the Cost Carriers section and click on “Sync now”. If the import is successful, you will see that your Exact Online accounting dimensions have been imported into Moss.

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