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How to edit a Budget
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Written by Support
Updated over 7 months ago

Who can edit a Budget

Only Admins are allowed to edit the settings of a budget.

How to edit a Budget

Recurring budgets cannot be turned into one-time budgets or vice-versa. Everything else can be customized.

All changes to recurring budgets can be made to one interval, the selected interval and all the upcoming ones, all intervals (past, present and future).

  1. Navigate to "Budgets" and click on the budget you want to edit. A drawer with all the budget details will appear on the right side of the screen.

  2. Click on the "Edit" to unlock the editable settings.

  3. Make the changes you need and click save.

Note: If you change the field ‘Auto Assign Rules’, the past allocation of transactions to the budget will be affected. Transactions will be removed and re-assigned based on the new settings.

For example: Say you have a budget assigned to the team Marketing and the cost centre Brand. If you change it to only the team Marketing, all transactions that were previously auto-assigned to the budget because of their cost centre will be automatically removed from the budget. Only transactions made by the team Marketing will be preserved.

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