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FAQs: Statements - Moss Debit
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Q: What does “Starting” and “New Balance” mean?

It is the balance available in the account at the beginning and end of the period.

Q: Which transactions will be reflected in the Moss statement?

All incoming and outgoing transactions with a booking and value date will be reflected in the statement.

Outgoing transactions are card spend, payouts via credit transfers and withdrawals. Incoming transactions include earlier payments/top-ups, credit payments via collections, credit payments via manual credit transfers, returns, refunds, and chargebacks.

Q: Is the financial balance always positive?

A balance can be either negative or positive.

Q: I have a receipt, but how do I match it with my transactions?

In order to help you reconcile your receipts more efficiently, you can now see 3 dates to help you match the transaction:

  • Authorisation date: The date in which the transaction was authorised by the customer

  • Booking date: The date when the transaction was booked into the customer account.

  • Value date: The date when the transaction was settled.

Q: What is an “outgoing transaction”?

It is an amount the user has spent using Moss. It can be identified as a “negative amount” on your Moss statements.

Q: What is an “incoming transaction”?

It is an amount or payment received into the Moss account which includes top-ups, refunds and chargebacks. It can be identified as a “positive amount” on your statements.

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