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FAQs: Receipt Finder
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a week ago

Q: Who can use the Receipt Finder?

All Moss users who have a card can connect the Receipt Finder to their work mailbox. Receipts from the approved merchants will be fetched and sent directly to Moss.

Q: How do I turn on the Receipt Finder?

You can connect to the Receipt Finder in the Moss dashboard by going to Settings. For more assistance, visit our Help Center.

Q: What are the key advantages of using Receipt Finder?

Control: Receipt finder helps your team to track and account for project expenses and business travel. Your team can always review each uploaded receipt, adjust it (if needed), and approve.

Time-saving: Spenders no longer have to waste business time finding and uploading their receipts for key merchants. Even better - Accountants don’t have to remind their colleagues to upload their receipts!

Q: Which merchants are supported by the Receipt Finder?

The following merchants are supported by the Receipt Finder:

Advertising & Marketing

  • Apple Search Ads

  • Flyeralarm

  • Hubspot

  • TikTok

Business travel tools


  • Deutsche Bahn

  • Freenow

  • Bolt

  • Miles

Direct integrations

  • Travelperk

Goods and services

  • Amazon

  • Bauhaus


  • DHL

  • Flaschenpost

  • Rewe

  • Wolt

Productivity tools

  • Atlassian

  • AWS

  • Adobe

  • Calendly

  • GitHub

  • Google workspace

  • IKEA

  • JetBrains

  • Miro

  • Personio

  • Pipedrive

  • Sentry

  • Slack

  • Trello

  • Zapier

  • Zoom

... and more.

Find a conclusive list that will be kept up to date here.

Q: What do I do if my receipt is not from one of the supported merchants?

You can also forward it to the Moss receipt inbox or upload the receipt directly to the transaction in the Moss platform or mobile app.

Q: What happens if a receipt is not found?

Moss will continue scanning your email for 7 days to search for the relevant receipt. After that, the receipt status will be set as missing, and you must attach the receipt yourself.

Q: Can receipts be edited?

In the rare case we got it wrong, you can always attach the receipt to another transaction directly. You can also download or delete any receipt. If your finance team sees that the receipt is not sufficient or missing information, they can mark it as invalid, and you’ll get a message from Moss.

Q: How often are receipts synchronised with Moss?

If you made a transaction with one of our supported merchants using a Moss card, we will scan your email inbox hourly to identify and fetch the corresponding receipts. If no transaction has been made, we do not check your email inbox.

Q: Can all customers use the Receipt Finder?

Yes, it is included in all pricing tiers.

Q: Is Receipt Finder secure?

Yes, all sensitive data is encrypted. Receipt Finder scans your email inbox for relevant transactions after you have made a payment with a Moss card. Moss does not store your data, except for the attached receipts from supported merchants.

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