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Receipt Finder for Email - Security Guide
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Moss Receipt Finder can automatically find receipts for supported merchants in email boxes provided by various email providers, including Google™ Gmail™ and Microsoft™ Outlook™.

This document describes which measures we take to ensure high security standards for this process.

1. Limited connection

The connection process ensures that only needed mailboxes are connected and can be disconnected at any time.

  1. Whitelisting by administrator

    In order to enable individual mailbox setup, your IT administrator (who has admin rights for Google™ Workspace or Microsoft™ Azure) must whitelist our Receipt Finder within their organization for Google™ Workspace or Microsoft™ Azure.

  2. Individual consent required

    Every employee must manually give individual consent before we can connect to their mailbox. This way, every employee may decide for themselves if they are comfortable giving Receipt Finder access to their mailbox.

  3. Data related to individual consent is encrypted

    All our databases are encrypted. Additionally, we separately encrypt the data related to individual consent within the database.

  4. Work emails only

    We only allow connecting an email address specified in the Moss user profile. Personal emails or other work emails not associated with the user's account at Moss are kept private and untouched.

  5. Disconnect at any time

    A user can revoke the consent for Moss Receipt Finder access to the mailbox at any time.

2. Limited retrieval

Your privacy is our utmost priority, as such, our Receipt Finder is designed to only access emails that match predefined criteria after a card transaction took place.

  1. Read-only access to mailbox

    Moss Receipt Finder’s activity in the mailbox will be limited to read-only mode by Google™ and Microsoft™, as the individual employee will only be requested to grant such limited access. We won’t be able to impact the mailbox content in any way or to see any other user items outside the mailbox such as calendar entries.

  2. Analyse messages only when needed

    Moss Receipt Finder will only activate if it detects a transaction in the Moss app from a merchant it supports. Otherwise, your mailbox will not be accessed by our tool at all.

  3. No human interaction

    When Moss Receipt Finder detects a transaction in the Moss app from a supported merchant, it will only retrieve emails identified as originating from this specific merchant - automatically and without human interaction.

  4. Analyse only specific messages

    Moss Receipt Finder will only use message fields such as “From” and “Subject”. Unlike other solutions on the market, it will not “scan” the content of all messages in your mailbox. Messages that are not identified as originating from, or as per their subject referring to a transaction with, a supported merchant in the Moss app are not read or accessed.

3.Limited storage

We only store three information points from the email:

  • the receipt files

  • the information from which merchant the email was sent

  • the information to whom the email was sent

This information is necessary for your finance team to be able to review the receipt matching. We do not store the actual messages or any other service fields such as “Subject”.

If you have any questions or concerns about using Receipt Finder, please reach out to our support team at

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