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IT Admins: Enable the Moss Receipt Finder - Microsoft 365 Outlook
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Updated over a week ago

Who can enable the Moss receipt finder for Microsoft 365 Outlook

Only the IT administrator with Global MS Azure Administrator rights can enable the Moss Receipt finder for your whole organisation. Please note Moss Receipt Finder will only have permission to access your Microsoft 365 Outlook account. We will not be able to access any of your other Microsoft Applications.

Next, a Moss Admin has to connect the Receipt Finder to the platform.

After this, each Moss user has to enable the Moss Receipt Finder for their own Moss account, if they want to use the Receipt Finder.

Introduction to the Moss Receipt Finder

Moss Receipt Finder is a tool that allows your employees to automatically fetch receipts for card transactions in their corporate email inbox.

In order for Moss Receipt Finder to access Outlook mailboxes within your organisation, your Global Microsoft Azure Administrator has to grant an admin consent to our Receipt Finder application by following the steps outlined below.

If you are unsure who the Global Azure Administrator is, you can check the roles and administrators in the Azure portal.

  1. Login to the Azure portal

  2. Select “Azure Active Directory” on the left side

  3. Select “Roles and administrators” to see the list.

  4. Search for the role “Global administrator” to see the relevant person.

Granting Admin Consent

  1. If the IT administrator with Global MS Azure Administrator rights is a Moss user and does NOT want to connect his/her mailbox with Moss Receipt Finder, first logoff from the Moss platform before proceeding.

  2. Log in using your Global Administrator credentials

  3. Review the consent screen and click on the Accept button to complete the process.

Once you have granted the permissions to our app, users in your organisation will be able to access it without any restrictions based on your settings.

If your users are still struggling to authenticate the app, they may be using a legacy API which we do not support. Please review this Microsoft Blog article and work with your users to make the changes.

Learn more about the security of our Moss Receipt Finder in this article.

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