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1. Setup Guide: Datev 2-way synchronisation <> Moss
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What is Datev 2-way synchronisation and what can it do?

Moss creates a direct interface with DATEV Accounting and can exchange data between Moss and DATEV Accounting.

This means that G/L accounts, vendor accounts (supplier accounts), cost centres (KOST1) and cost carriers (KOST2) can be imported directly from DATEV into Moss. The data is continuously synchronised so that newly created accounts in DATEV are automatically reflected in Moss.

New supplier accounts can be created directly in Moss when a new invoice is received. These suppliers are then automatically created in DATEV Accounting. This means that the accounts between Moss and DATEV are always in sync.

The interface allows card transactions, invoices and expenses to be exported directly from Moss to DATEV Accounting and entered there using batch processing. However, exports can still be made to Unternehmen Online via the Invoice Data Service 1.0.

This guide shows how to link Moss directly to DATEV Accounting.

Overview of terms: Moss <> DATEV




Sachkonten (G/L accounts)


Kreditorenkonten (supplier accounts)


Kostenstellen (cost centres)


Kostenträger (cost carriers)

*alternative terms: Lieferantenkonten (supplier accounts), Geschäftspartnerkonten (business partner accounts)

How DATEV 2-way synchronisation works

Moss uses the DATEVconnect interface via the Cloud Gateway from Riecken Webservice & Application GmbH for 2-way synchronisation.

The Cloud Gateway uses a technically tested DATEV interface that is also available on DATEV's own servers, such as DATEV SmartIT or DATEVasp. In addition, the interface is TÜV-certified and the interface operator Riecken uses an IT infrastructure that is ISO and BSI-certified and EBA-GL-compliant.

You can find more information about the Cloud Connect Gateway here.

Moss restricts data access via the Cloud Gateway to specific advisor or client numbers. Each file must be explicitly approved by an authorised signatory at the firm or client. This allows you to control which files Moss is allowed to access via the interface, rather than having to approve all of the firm's files.

Implementation on DATEV systems:

If DATEV's own server environment is used for the DATEV programs (i.e. DATEV SmartIT or DATEVasp), the interface is activated by DATEV after authorisation by an authorised signatory. In this case, Riecken takes care of the technical implementation together with DATEV.

DATEV server with a DATEV system partner or other IT provider

If the DATEV environment is operated by a DATEV system partner (e.g. PARTNERasp) or another external IT service provider, Riecken will contact the server provider or operator with instructions for implementing the interface after the data has been released by the law firm or client. This must then be implemented by the IT service provider. This may result in additional costs.

⚠️ Please inform your server provider about setting up the interface before you initiate it with Moss.

Own DATEV server (law firm or client)

If you operate your own DATEV server, either as a law firm server or as a client, Riecken will contact you directly after the inventory has been released. Ideally, you should specify a contact person in your IT department when setting up the server, so that Riecken knows who to contact.

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