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How to install Cloud Gateway? (DATEV)
Written by Anna Dziurosz
Updated over a month ago

Installation usually takes just a few minutes and involves the following steps

  1. Install our software client on a DATEV server with a full workstation (including accounting). This can be a DATEV server or a terminal server.

  2. Log in to the selected server with a user who has admin rights in the domain and in DATEV.

  3. Check whether DATEVconnect is installed / active on the server (this requires the free licence from the DATEV shop).

  4. Download our software client.

  5. Install Cloud Gateway.

  6. Launch Cloud Gateway and click on the "Perform configuration" button.

  7. That's it!

If any errors occur during the installation, please contact us by replying to this email or book a free installation support session online.

Customer privacy information can be found here on our website.

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