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Mandatory Fields

This article provides a brief explanation of the Mandatory Fields feature included int he Accounting Add-On Package

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Written by Support
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What are Mandatory Fields

The 'Mandatory Fields' feature aims to tailor the setup of Moss to each client preferences, such as, making it mandatory for users to input information (saving time for accountants), or make fields hidden, streamlining the end user experience. Both options would save time for clients, either on accounting side or on the end-user perspective.

How to enable Mandatory Fields for Card transactions:

Each client can define in the settings what fields are hidden, disabled or mandatory for the end user.

To define the field settings in Moss, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Settings"

  2. Click on "Card Transactions" > select "Configure" for 'Card holder field settings'

    Note: For Reimbursements see below section of this document.

  3. A configuration screen will open up. Edit them to your own liking. For each field you can select:

    • Hidden

    • View only

    • Can edit

    • Mandatory

How to enable Mandatory Fields for Reimbursements:

Each client can define in the settings what fields are hidden, disabled or mandatory for the end user.

To define the field settings in Moss, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Settings"

  2. Click on "Reimbursements" > select "Configure" within "Submitter field settings"

  3. A configuration screen will open up. Edit them to your own liking. For each field you can select:

    • Hidden

    • View only

    • Can edit

    • Mandatory

What can Accountants see and do


The accountant specific views shows a summary of all card transactions in the "Collect" tab.

It also shows the "Missing" label in the table. That means this detail is mandatory and it hasn't been added yet.

A transaction can only be sent to the "Review" tab when all information has been entered while the transaction is in the "Collect" tab.

This means that in the "Review" tab, no transaction is missing any information or a receipt. The transaction is now ready to be reviewed.


In the accountant specific view, a reimbursement can only enter the "Review" tab if it has no missing mandatory information. The user is forced to enter the details to move the reimbursement out of the Draft status.

How does it work for end user:

What does the user see when the feature is disabled:

All fields are optional to fill in for a user.

What does the user see when the feature is enabled:

Depending on your setup, some fields will be optional, mandatory or view only.

You can even hide fields from users (e.g. Cost carriers are hidden in the example below).

Upon pushing the spend into the next workflow step (enabled):

Fields that have been set as mandatory will be highlighted, if you did not fill them in upon pushing the spend into the next workflow step. You will not be able to proceed until you fill them in.


  • The current iteration of Mandatory Fields is only available for Reimbursements and Card Transactions

  • The feature only supports absolute settings. That means, that fields can be defined as being always mandatory, always hidden, or always disabled.


Can normal users/spenders view and enter accounting details by themselves?

Yes, as long as the mandatory fields settings for the accounting details are set to "can edit" or "mandatory" the spender can edit the accounting details.

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