How to pay for invoices
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Updated over a week ago

Who can pay for invoices

Invoices an only be payed by Admins or Accountants.

How to pay for invoices

With Moss, say goodbye to overdue invoices! You can now manage invoice payments easier than ever, to make sure your suppliers are always paid on time.

Regardless of the method used to pay your invoices, you can easily track the payment progress of all your invoices in Moss, visible in the payment section of the side bar navigation.

In Moss, we provide different means of managing payments of invoices, depending on the location of your business but also to make sure we cater for your specific needs.

The different options we have for managing payments in Moss are:

  • Paying invoices directly from Moss, via your Moss Wallet (UK only for now)

  • Downloading SEPA payment files to import to your online bank (EU only)

  • Manually marking invoices as paid, eg. if payment for certain invoices are done via Direct Debit

We are continuously evaluating additional ways of supporting payments in Moss, if you have any specific preference, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Pay your invoices with Moss (NEW)

Once an invoice has been approved, it will move to the Pay tab. There, admins and accountants can select one or more invoices and click 'Pay invoices' on the table floater to open the payment side-panel. In the payment side panel, you can select a preferred payment method SEPA or Moss Wallet.

Alternatively, if the invoice is already paid or you would rather first export the invoice to your accounting system and take care of the payment later, you can select 'Mark as paid' or 'Skip payment' respectively, which will move the selected invoices to the Export tab.

Once an invoice has been paid, regardless of the payment method, the invoice fields that are relevant for the payment (Amount, Date, Due Date and Supplier) will be locked. As a result, please make sure to fill these four fields before marking an invoice as paid.

⚠️ Please note: the payment methods available will depend on your organisation's registration country:

Moss Wallet









United Kingdom






a. Pay with Moss, via your Moss Wallet (Only available in the UK)

As a UK organisation, you can pay your invoices directly in Moss, via your Moss Wallet. All you need to do is top up your wallet with enough funds to cover the invoices you wish to pay, and then execute the payments directly in Moss. You can easily track the status and progress of each invoice, and any invoice you pay in Moss will be reconciled and exported to your accounting software as a paid invoice. Please note that the permission of paying invoices via your Moss Wallet is restricted to Admins only.

You can further choose to pay single invoices or multiple invoices in one go. Once you’ve selected the invoices you are ready to pay, and select Paying via Moss as the method of payment, you will see a full summary of all invoices you are about to pay. Here, you can do a final review of recipient bank account details, as well as add payment references to each of the invoices you’re about to pay.

When you’ve reviewed the payment details, you proceed by clicking the button “Make payment”. This triggers an authentication of the payment for selected invoices, where an authentication code is sent to the user triggering the payment, with a message on what they are authenticating.

Once approved/authorised, the payment is initiated and the payment status changes to “Payment initiated”. All invoices will stay in the Paid tab, until they’ve been processed successfully. As soon as the payment succeeds, the payment status will update automatically to “Paid via Moss”, and the invoices are moved to the Export section in the side bar navigation.

For any reason the payment of an invoice fails, you will both get notified of the failure, as well as see the payment status of the invoice change to “Failed”. If the reason for the failure is clear, and you’re able to make relevant changes yourself, you are able to re-trigger the payment once fixes are amended.

If you are unsure why a payment didn’t go through, feel free to reach out to and we will assist.

b. Generate SEPA file (Only available in EU markets)

With Moss, you can easily generate SEPA payment files to pay your invoices. All you need to do is select 'Download SEPA Payment file' in the invoice payment side panel, choose your debitor account and the relevant payment execution date - date when the payment will take place - and download the SEPA file.

Then, upload the payment file to your separate banking environment to easily transfer the right amount to your suppliers and settle your invoices. Note: please make sure that your suppliers in Moss have a valid IBAN number.

Marking your invoices as Paid vs marking them as SEPA exported: When you export a SEPA file, you can choose whether you want to mark your invoices as paid or not. If you choose to mark them as paid, your invoices will transition to the Export tab with status Paid via SEPA.

Alternatively, if you don’t mark them as paid, your invoices will remain in the Pay tab with payment status SEPA exported. If you choose for the later option, you will need to mark them as paid once the payment file has been successfully uploaded to your banking environment.

c. Manually mark invoices as paid

At any stage of the invoice flow, admins and accountants can manually mark invoices as paid, even before review and approval, to cover for those cases where the invoice has been paid in advance, via direct debit for example.

Supplier / Recipient bank details

In order to be able to pay your invoices in Moss, you need to ensure that your suppliers (also referred to as recipients) bank account details are stored in Moss. This can be added manually to every supplier account you import to Moss, or if you have connected your accounting software via API, and you store supplier bank details in your accounting software; we pull these details automatically as part of the accounting sync.

⚠️Please note: Our ability to automatically import supplier bank account details depends on which accounting software you are using.

Disable invoice payments

If you would rather manage invoice payments outside of Moss, eg. if you are paying invoices through your accounting software or ERP, you can easily disable the invoice payments functionality in the Invoice set-up tab of the side panel. Please note, given the sensitivity of this feature, only users with admin and accountant rights are allowed to enable / disable the 'Pay from Moss' customisation setting.

Once disabled, everything related to invoice payments will disappear from the user interface. As a result, invoice payment statuses will no longer be visible and you will no longer be able to generate SEPA files nor pay invoices from your Moss Wallet.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which organisations can pay from the Moss Wallet? For now, only UK organisations can make use of the Moss Wallet to pay invoices.

  • Which users can pay invoices with the Moss Wallet? Given that company funds are involved, this action is only available for administrators.

  • Which organisations can generate SEPA payment files? Given that SEPA is a European standard, only EU organisations can generate SEPA files.

  • Does sending an invoice back to Review change its payment status? No, invoice status and payment status are completely separate from each other. Thus, sending an invoice back to review will leave its payment status unchanged.

  • Which invoices are shown under the Pay tab of the invoice flow? All unpaid invoices with status approved will be displayed under the Pay tab. This implies that when an already paid invoice is sent back to review, as soon as it's approved, it will be sent to the Export tab.

  • In which stages of the invoice flow can I pay my invoices? Paying invoices as well as generating SEPA payment files is possible in the Pay and Exported tabs of the invoice flow. Please note, generating SEPA files can no longer be done from the Export tab.

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