Note: Only physical cards have a PIN.
Reveal the PIN of a card
Cardholders can reveal the PIN of their cards on the Moss Mobile and Web App.
Click on "Cards" in the navigation bar and
Choose the physical card that you want to activate
Select the three dots and click "Reveal PIN".
Do a 2-factor authentication with either your phone or per sms code.
Once you did the 2FA your PIN will be visible for 10 seconds.
Change a PIN of a card
Any user can only change the PIN for their own cards. Other users cannot change the PIN of your cards. This can be useful in case somebody else might have gotten the PIN for your physical card and might be compromised.
Click on "Cards" in the navigation bar and
Choose a physical card
Select the three dots and click "Change PIN".
Do a 2-factor authentication with either your phone or per sms code.
Enter your desired 4-digit PIN and confirm it. Click “Set PIN”.
Additional steps for cardholders in the UK
To sync your new PIN to the card chip you need to follow these steps:
Make sure you have followed the steps above up and have finished setting a PIN
Head to an ATM.
Insert your card into the ATM and check your balance
Don’t worry if the incorrect amount is displayed. We don’t want your company's balance to be displayed on screen.
After withdrawing your card from the ATM, the card is ready to be used!
Reminder: Everytime you change your PIN, you need to repeat these steps again.
When do I need to enter a PIN?
You need to enter a PIN for your physical card the first time you are using it. Afterwards, you are able to use the contactless payment method if you wish to do so. If you wish to continue using the card the normal way you need to enter the PIN more often.