Overview of Moss CardsSign up and start spending anywhere, secure and customizable
Create or Request a CardIn this article we discover how you can create a Moss card.
Manage your PINIn this article we discover how you can change the PIN for you physical cards.
Reveal Card Details: Number, CVC and ExpirationIn this article we discover how you can show card details like card number and CVC.
Change the Card Status: Freeze, Block, TerminateIn this article we discover how you can change the status of a card. This can either mean to freeze, unfreeze a card or terminate it.
Replacing lost or damaged physical CardsIn this article we discover how you can replace or reorder a physical card if you have lost it or broke it and are in need of a new one.
Expiring Cards
All methods to submit and attach receipts to transactions
How to manually attach a receipt to a card transaction
Send to Moss - forward receipts on your phone
Manually forwarding Invoices and Receipts via Email to the Document Inbox
Forward receipts and invoices to Moss automatically in GmailAuto-forward emails from Google to Moss and learn what to do if multiple entities use one inbox.
Activate Physical CardsIn this article we discover how you can activate your physical card.
Shipping of physical cardsIn this article we discover how you can track the card delivery status of your physical Moss card.
Q: Can I order a physical card into a foreign country?
Q: I reordered a physical card and now I have two physical cards. What can I do?
Physical card did not arrive yet
Q: I don't see the button to activate the card in the (web)app. What can I do?
Q: Can I activate a physical card for another user?
Q: I have a redundant physical card. What can I do?