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3. Initiate connection in Moss - DATEV 2-Way Sync
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Written by Support
Updated over a month ago

This section explains how to connect Moss to DATEV Accounting if accounting has not yet been set up.

If you are already connected to DATEV Unternehmen Online and want to extend or switch the interface to accounting, see here.

How to connect Moss with DATEV (Accounting)

  1. Click on Accounting in the menu on the left. Then, select Let's go.

  2. Then select DATEV accounting 2-way synchronisation as the accounting platform and continue.

Now you need to decide whether you want to export transactions, invoices and reimbursements directly to DATEV Accounting or only to DATEV Unternehmen Online.

  • Option 1: Export directly to Accounting: Here, transactions and invoices are exported directly to Accounting and can be imported via batch processing. Documents (receipts and invoices) can either be stored and linked in DATEV DMS / Document Storage or remain securely stored in Moss only.

  • Option 2: Export to Company Online: With this option, accounts and suppliers are synchronised with Accounting, but transactions and invoices are exported to the Invoice Inbox of Company Online. Here they still need to be made available for posting in Accounting. Receipts are then stored in Receipts Online and linked to the posting.

We continue with the connection and direct export to DATEV Accounting.

Instructions for connecting to DATEV Unternehmen Online can be found here. Once DUO is connected, follow the steps below.

On the next page you need to decide whether you want to export documents to DATEV DMS/Document Storage or just store them securely in Moss.

Now we need some information about DATEV's IT infrastructure and who manages it, so that we can initiate the next step of releasing the inventory and setting up the interface.

If you have any questions about the fields you need to fill in, this table here will give you more information about what you need to enter:


More information

DATEV-IT infrastructure (DATEV server)

DATEV Accounting is a programme that is installed locally on a Windows device.

DATEV offers two IT environments:

  • DATEV SmartIT

  • DATEVasp

However, many DATEVasp users also use DATEV's IT partners to provide the servers (see the list in the dropdown or here in the Help Centre).

Some companies also operate the server for the DATEV programmes independently.

If you are unsure, check the invoice for the DATEV server and contact your accountant if necessary.

Name of the IT partner

If the server is operated by a DATEV IT partner that is not on the list, please enter the name of the IT provider here.

If you operate the DATEV server yourself, enter the name of the company again here.

Contact of the IT partner


Email address of the IT partner

Contact of the IT partner

Telephone number

Telephone number of the IT partner

Who owns / is responsible for the DATEV IT infrastructure

The server on which the DATEV programmes are installed can either be operated by the customer or rented directly from DATEV or a DATEV IT partner.

In many cases, however, the servers are provided by the tax office.

If you are unsure, check the invoice for the DATEV server and contact your accountant if necessary.

Legal name of the company / law firm

In order to access the relevant DATEV database, we require the release of an authorised signatory for the company or firm responsible for the DATEV environment.

For holding companies or companies sharing a DATEV environment, please enter the legal name of the company responsible for the DATEV environment.

For DATEV environments provided by a tax advisor, please enter the name of the law firm as it appears in the directory of tax advisors.

If you are unsure, check the invoice for the DATEV server and contact your accountant if necessary.

Main consultant number

DATEV portfolios are always released at the level of the main consultant number. In the next step, the release can be restricted to a specific client or a specific sub-advisor number used by the customer.

Sub-consultant number, if applicable

Client-used consultant number

Client number

Client number as in accounting


Now called (Kanzlei-Ansprechpartner-Email)

Enter the e-mail address of the person who will coordinate the implementation, either at the tax office or in the company.

Once setup is initiated, the connection is prepared in the background. You will then receive an email from our software partner Riecken Webservice & Application GmbH with an authorisation link.

ℹ️ Approval must be given by the owner of the DATEV server. If the server is provided by the tax authority and is not operated or leased directly by the customer, the tax authority must approve it.

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